Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 3 of Nepali Trip

I am writing to Greg during his two-week mission trip to Nepal so he can stay up-to-date on our daily happenings:

Hello LL:
Our first full day in Connecticut was a perfect fall day. It was warm enough to not need a jacket, but there was a crispness to the air. The sun was shining and my mom and I decided to take the girls (or did they decide to take us?) for a walk in the meadow down the street to collect leaves. You know that sweet smell of the leaves in the fall? It was beautiful. We were walking around on crunchy leaves, which was Gabrielle's favorite thing to do, and just enjoying being outside. Emily was intent on picking a wildflower bouquet for Grandma's dining room table, but it looked like a handful of dead leaves! Maybe we should go buy some real flowers.........I hurt my knee carrying the luggage upstairs last night, so I was quite a sight hobbling around the meadow. My right knee is strained, and you know the thing with my left foot, needless to say the marathon training is on hiatus. I won't even get started about the arthritis in my fingers or you may trade me in for a younger model!

My dad treated us to dinner at the 99 Restaurant, which is not my favorite, but we had a pleasant dinner regardless. My mother apparently got tired of me ranting about B. Hussein Obama (I couldn't help it, CNN was on the TV right in front of me!), so she mandated no talking about politics or religion at the dinner table. What else is there to talk about?

The girls are watching entirely too much TV and eating too much junk so they are loving being at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I haven't needed you yet to talk me off a ledge, but that's not to say I haven't needed to hear your voice. Your three girls miss you immensely, but I miss you the most. Don't tell the girls I said that or it will start a round of "Best for last, third the nerd!"

Tomorrow is a day of shopping, which should be fun as long as it's not the toy store. I know, I know. That's as inevitable as the coming winter. I check your blog for any new messages every chance I get, but there is still no end to the communication blackout. I don't want to get too mushy on this public forum so I will close by saying that I am praying for you and with a simple.....LL

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