Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 2 Nepali Trip

Well, you would think with an entire day of travel we wouldn't have time to miss you....you would be wrong. The girls were very excited to visit Grandma and Grandpa that they woke up at 6:15 a.m. and got into bed with me. Their excitement soon gave way to drowsiness and it was difficult to get them out of bed just 15 minutes later! Once they were up, they were ready very quickly and carried their backpacks around the house for 2 hours. Candie drove us to the airport, and both the girls were so good during the first leg of the trip. They forgot the headphones to the DVD player so they had to cram in close to hear their movie. Southwest was great, and I "borrowed" some of your drink coupons! The second leg they were OK, but there was a little bickering. I started the Ann Coulter book and was laughing out loud! Hopefully I was annoying some nearby libs! We were happy to land and the girls were running ahead of me to reach Grandma. The drive to my parents house seemed longer than usual, but it was probably due to the 6 hours on an airplane. I know, suck it up! You could do that on your head after the day(s) of travel you just completed. I was thrilled to see your first post on the CalledtoNepal blog. I almost felt like it was a message just for me, but I especially enjoyed the shout out. We will continue to check your blog every day waiting for any news. I don't do well with a communication blackout. You know I need to talk to you every few hours! Every time you cross my mind (yes it's practically every 5 minutes) I say prayers for you. The people of Nepal are blessed to have you serving them. We are so proud of you. We miss you incredibly, but know we are doing OK so far. I will try to take some pictures of the girlies to post while you are gone. Hope you get a chance to check them out, Arabic internet connection and all!


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