Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 7 Nepal Trip

Yeah! Today I got to see your smiling face! What a surprise that was, and it was so encouraging to read your story about witnessing to those boys during your hike. I can't wait to see more pictures.....I hope you got one of you on top of the bus! Same old, same old here. We had a better day than yesterday. Again the weather was perfect. We spent the morning at church and then relaxed around the house. I got the troops in gear and we cleaned the house. After being here five days with your messy girls, it needed it. We had a home-cooked brunch and dinner, and I think you would be envious of the dinner. We had filet mignon. I know you are a little beef-deprived in the Hindu country. I promise to make you a steak for your welcome home dinner. I am counting the days until then.

Tomorrow we are going to the pumpkin farm with the boys, which should be a lot of fun. I will finally take some pictures. I have hardly used my camera, which isn't at all like me. On Tuesday, my cousin Heather is thinking of coming up to spend the day with us. I haven't seen her babies so I am excited to see them all. I am not looking forward to going home on Wednesday because then it will be very apparent that you are not here. I come to CT all the time without you, although I usually talk to you several times each day. Well, it will just be that much closer to your return. I am praying for you and counting the minutes until I am going to look up what "dahl baht" is.

LL your Shrimati

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