Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 10 and 11

Hi Greg:
Sorry to have missed yesterday's post, but you didn't miss much. We were driven to the airport by Kelly and Derek. Brenden had school. After that there was a six-hour flight back to AZ and you weren't there to greet us. That was pretty much our Wednesday. The only out-of-the-ordinary thing was the behavior of the girls on the flight from Chicago to Phoenix. Granted it was almost four hours, but they were pretty aggravating. Why are they always so well behaved on the way to CT, but never on the way home? The kitties were very happy to have us back, and I loved sleeping with my pillow again. You know I can't sleep well without it, although my mom did buy a new pillow for me and it was a pretty good substitute! I would have slept even better if you were home.

Today the girls were so excited to spend the day at Miss Karen's house so they could play with Emma and Owen. Work was pretty good. Evan, Marv and Dale were in AZ so they were the guest judges of the annual chili cookoff. Sorry you had to miss it. I had a nice chat with Evan, and then went to the chiropractor for a much-needed adjustment. After the plane ride yesterday I was in a lot of pain. It's much better now, but I could use a neck rub when you get back. I'll trade you for a back scratch! Tonight I went scrapbooking at the Vineyard Church, and the girls had fun playing with all of the kids there. We're getting close to your return home, and we can't wait. We're praying that you are reaching people for God, and being spiritually renewed yourself. I can't wait to hear all about your trip.......

LL Shrimati

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 9 Nepal

You posted a message today! Yeah, I love hearing from you. This is the longest stretch of time we haven't talked in the 19 years we have been together. Well, except for that one time.....but I won't get into that! Today we stayed at home so the girls could make Grandma their personal playmate. They carved pumpkins, which I doubt will last until Halloween, but I was outnumbered. We made baked apples and they played with Stephanie from next door. We had dinner at Friendly's and then came home and watched Dancing with the Stars together. It was nice not to have to watch it alone! My parents are leaving first thing tomorrow for a funeral in New York so Kelly and the boys will take us to the airport. You know how I like to squeeze every last second out of a visit so it will be hard to see them go before we have to leave. Even after 13 years, I am still not used to saying goodbye to my parents. The girls are even worse than I am........coming home to an empty house will not be any fun either, but we know you are doing God's work and we're very proud of you! Until tomorrow.......


Day 8 of Nepal Trip

Hello LL:
Today was a relaxing day. We spent the morning a my parent's house playing games with the girls (Parcheesi takes forever to finish). We then went to the orchard to pick apples and pumpkins, which we brought to Kelly and the boys. Derek was in considerable pain and could hardly walk, so our day at the pumpkin patch together had to be scratched. We spent the afternoon with them, and all had dinner together when Michael and his kids came over. It was so hard to see Derek hurting, but the kids had fun being together. I showed Kelly your blog, and have been checking for new posts. I am still waiting for one.....I am praying that you have been enjoying your trip a little more since you had the picnic and time to witness to those boys. I pray they accepted Christ.

LL, Your Shrimati

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 7 Nepal Trip

Yeah! Today I got to see your smiling face! What a surprise that was, and it was so encouraging to read your story about witnessing to those boys during your hike. I can't wait to see more pictures.....I hope you got one of you on top of the bus! Same old, same old here. We had a better day than yesterday. Again the weather was perfect. We spent the morning at church and then relaxed around the house. I got the troops in gear and we cleaned the house. After being here five days with your messy girls, it needed it. We had a home-cooked brunch and dinner, and I think you would be envious of the dinner. We had filet mignon. I know you are a little beef-deprived in the Hindu country. I promise to make you a steak for your welcome home dinner. I am counting the days until then.

Tomorrow we are going to the pumpkin farm with the boys, which should be a lot of fun. I will finally take some pictures. I have hardly used my camera, which isn't at all like me. On Tuesday, my cousin Heather is thinking of coming up to spend the day with us. I haven't seen her babies so I am excited to see them all. I am not looking forward to going home on Wednesday because then it will be very apparent that you are not here. I come to CT all the time without you, although I usually talk to you several times each day. Well, it will just be that much closer to your return. I am praying for you and counting the minutes until I am going to look up what "dahl baht" is.

LL your Shrimati

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 6 of Nepal Separation

Absolutely nothing happened today. The fact that I am able to write that is a miracle. Only by God's intervention was I able to hold myself back from violence. It all started out innocently enough. My dad wanted to go to Vermont to look at the leaves. The leaves are fine here, but I went along with his plan. I even researched some things to do in Southern Vermont, including a craft fair and a fall festival. We didn't leave until 1 p.m. Not a good start. I fell asleep during the ride up there and when I woke was told we were going to New Hamshire instead. This was not a planned detour, but rather a let's-make-the-best-of-getting-lost situation. It was about 3 p.m. and instead of having lunch at a quaint local eatery, we bought donuts at a gas station Dunkin' Donuts. I don't like donuts. We later pulled off the highway and spent 20 minutes in a tiny art/craft store. Apparently this was the end of our journey because my dad promptly got on the freeway and started heading south. We drove all that way for that? Having eaten nothing for seven hours, I was getting a little grumpy and wondering why we were not pulling off the highway for dinner. Apparently we were looking for a Texas Roadhouse that was seen during the ride north. Of course the Texas Roadhouse was nowhere to be found so we settled on Outback Steakhouse. We did have a great meal and finished up right at 7 p.m. Great, we should be home by 8 p.m., right? Wrong. I woke up an hour later and discovered we were in Cape Cod. Don't ask, I have no idea how we got there either. We were actually in Falmouth. I wanted to get home as quickly as possible so I jumped in the driver's seat. We just got home. Nine hours later. We spent more time in the car today that on the airplane to get to Connecticut, but at least on the plane we actually went somewhere. So you see, I needed my LL to talk me out of the bell tower, and your message really lifted my spirits! On the plus side, your girls were very good especially being cooped up in the car for so long. Sorry my post turned into a vent, but I always feel better when I "talk" to you. Maybe I was so annoyed because I miss my LL so much. Hopefully there will be more (something) to post tomorrow! LL and XO

Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 5 of Nepal Trip

Hi Greg:
Today Derek had his surgery so Brenden spent the day with us. It's easy to say that I am no longer a favorite Aunt of his. My mother let's the kids get away with everything so I had to be the heavy....the girls are used to me telling them what to do, but Brenden was not happy. I had too many rules, like he had to walk near us in the mall instead of running way ahead. I did manage to get a hug when he left so maybe he forgave me a little bit. Boy does he remind me of Bobby! He just likes to annoy the girls and push the envelope as far as he can. When Derek returned from Yale-New Haven hospital he seemed like he was doing pretty good. The last time he had surgery it took almost two days for him to recover from the anesthesia. They used a different medicine and it only took him two hours to wake up, which of course upset Kelly. Good thing Cappa was there with her.

As for our day, we took the kids to the see Bobby and pick more fall leaves in the cemetary. After that we went to the Christmas Tree Shops and the mall where Grandma bought entirely too many toys, and I bought too much stuff to get home on the airplane! We also went to Borders where she bought a "Knock Knock" joke book, so guess what we have been listening to all day? At least these are real jokes and not the made up ones that inspired the book purchase in the first place! I don't think the girls understood the intent of a "knock knock" joke. After shopping, we took the kids to dinner at Wendy's and then back to my parents' house to play with all of their new toys until Derek returned. We are hoping to see them again tomorrow, but it will depend on how he is recovering. There are plans for us to go to the pumpkin farm together on Monday if we can't see them tomorrow. Boy I love spending time with them, I just wish we could see them more often. You should see all the kids together. They play so well, and have so much fun.

Tomorrow we may head north to Vermont if we can't see the boys to see fall in full bloom. The leaves have just started to change here, and it's beautiful but not fully fall yet. I am sure that it will be like last year and change the week after we leave again!

The girls are really starting to miss Emily was getting a little fresh with me and I told her that she needed to pray for her heart. That prompted an immediate conviction where she started crying. She told me that she didn't know why she had acted that way. I think it's a little bit of Grandma (getting away with everything will do that), and a lot of missing you. We are all suffering from that! I keep hoping for a new post from you, but so far no luck. It's getting harder every day to not hear your voice. I keep thinking about your return and how excited we will all be.....I can't wait to kiss your yips, but I am a little concerned about hugging you after being in Nepal for two weeks! Remember the situation after the Nepali dinner? I'll take my chances! I'll post more tomorrow........LL

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day 4 of Nepal Separation

Hello my LL:
Well we are nearing the end of Day 4, which was a good day, but we are still missing you. All the girls (including Grandma) slept in. We spent the afternoon shopping for the girls so I had to spend my time wondering around different sections of the store! I didn't want to start a Grandma/Mommy war.....after shopping, Grandpa took the girls for ice cream, yes before dinner. It must be the beautiful fall weather that put me in a good mood to allow this travesty of nutrition! There are few sights more beautiful than the sun shining through the yellow leaves of a gorgeous fall tree. Kelly brought the boys over and I got to see my adorable nephews. The kids play so well together. I wish we could see them more often........Derek gave me big hugs, but I literally had to tackle Brenden to get my arms around him. It wasn't a very heartwarming hug with him squirming on the flooring screaming for me to let him up, but I will take what I can get. They had school pictures today and looked so adorable in these new sweaters. Tomorrow Derek is having his surgery at Yale New Haven Hospital so we need to have lots of prayers for him. I am praying so much for you that I know I will have plenty of time to talk to God on Derek's behalf.

Emily wants to say something:
Daddy, we miss you so much. I can't wait until you come home to tell us all you did in Nepal. Love you, bye!

Gabrielle's turn:
Dear Daddy, we miss you, and I love you very, very, very much! We're praying for you, and I don't know any more to say. Love your Shi Shi!

I guess that's it for today........I'll post tomorrow. Until then I will try to sleep, but it's so lonely. I'll try to just pretend you are suffering from insomnia on the couch :) I hope the toilet situation has met your expectations so far. I noticed on the itinerary that you are still in the Hotel Shakti. I pray that you are meeting and encouraging people already, and that God is moving in your heart as well.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 3 of Nepali Trip

I am writing to Greg during his two-week mission trip to Nepal so he can stay up-to-date on our daily happenings:

Hello LL:
Our first full day in Connecticut was a perfect fall day. It was warm enough to not need a jacket, but there was a crispness to the air. The sun was shining and my mom and I decided to take the girls (or did they decide to take us?) for a walk in the meadow down the street to collect leaves. You know that sweet smell of the leaves in the fall? It was beautiful. We were walking around on crunchy leaves, which was Gabrielle's favorite thing to do, and just enjoying being outside. Emily was intent on picking a wildflower bouquet for Grandma's dining room table, but it looked like a handful of dead leaves! Maybe we should go buy some real flowers.........I hurt my knee carrying the luggage upstairs last night, so I was quite a sight hobbling around the meadow. My right knee is strained, and you know the thing with my left foot, needless to say the marathon training is on hiatus. I won't even get started about the arthritis in my fingers or you may trade me in for a younger model!

My dad treated us to dinner at the 99 Restaurant, which is not my favorite, but we had a pleasant dinner regardless. My mother apparently got tired of me ranting about B. Hussein Obama (I couldn't help it, CNN was on the TV right in front of me!), so she mandated no talking about politics or religion at the dinner table. What else is there to talk about?

The girls are watching entirely too much TV and eating too much junk so they are loving being at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I haven't needed you yet to talk me off a ledge, but that's not to say I haven't needed to hear your voice. Your three girls miss you immensely, but I miss you the most. Don't tell the girls I said that or it will start a round of "Best for last, third the nerd!"

Tomorrow is a day of shopping, which should be fun as long as it's not the toy store. I know, I know. That's as inevitable as the coming winter. I check your blog for any new messages every chance I get, but there is still no end to the communication blackout. I don't want to get too mushy on this public forum so I will close by saying that I am praying for you and with a simple.....LL

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 2 Nepali Trip

Well, you would think with an entire day of travel we wouldn't have time to miss would be wrong. The girls were very excited to visit Grandma and Grandpa that they woke up at 6:15 a.m. and got into bed with me. Their excitement soon gave way to drowsiness and it was difficult to get them out of bed just 15 minutes later! Once they were up, they were ready very quickly and carried their backpacks around the house for 2 hours. Candie drove us to the airport, and both the girls were so good during the first leg of the trip. They forgot the headphones to the DVD player so they had to cram in close to hear their movie. Southwest was great, and I "borrowed" some of your drink coupons! The second leg they were OK, but there was a little bickering. I started the Ann Coulter book and was laughing out loud! Hopefully I was annoying some nearby libs! We were happy to land and the girls were running ahead of me to reach Grandma. The drive to my parents house seemed longer than usual, but it was probably due to the 6 hours on an airplane. I know, suck it up! You could do that on your head after the day(s) of travel you just completed. I was thrilled to see your first post on the CalledtoNepal blog. I almost felt like it was a message just for me, but I especially enjoyed the shout out. We will continue to check your blog every day waiting for any news. I don't do well with a communication blackout. You know I need to talk to you every few hours! Every time you cross my mind (yes it's practically every 5 minutes) I say prayers for you. The people of Nepal are blessed to have you serving them. We are so proud of you. We miss you incredibly, but know we are doing OK so far. I will try to take some pictures of the girlies to post while you are gone. Hope you get a chance to check them out, Arabic internet connection and all!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 1 of Nepal Trip

The posts for the next 14 days will be a running commentary to Greg so he can see all he missed while he was on his mission trip to Nepal.

Here we are on Day 1 of your trip. At this point you only left the country about 5 minutes ago, and I am missing you terribly. I can't believe I missed the only call I will probably receive for the next 14 days. I am so angry! I took the girls for a run along the canal and saw your call when I returned. You see? Exercise is horrible! I was hoping you would call back before your 9 p.m. EDT flight out of JFK, but no such luck. I am not expecting a call from your next stop in Dubai tomorrow. I hope you are comfortable on your journey.

Today was ordinary. After we dropped you off at 0-dark-hundred, we took a nap until 7:30 a.m. Work was quiet without you there, but the girls were amazingly good tucked away in your office watching movies. I bought them lunch at Chick-fil-A as a treat for their good behavior, which they ate back at the house. We took our 3-mile run and then returned the movies to Blockbuster. On the way, the odometer flipped 51,000 miles (I am probably more interested in that fact than you). Now I am finishing up your postcards and will start packing soon. I should have had packing night with you on Saturday.

What a treat, you just called! I was misinformed about your flight departure time so I was expecting a communication blackout for the next 14 days. It was so good to hear your voice, my love love. Of course, the girls were all excited and then sad again. I am chasing those blues away with some chores and they are currently vacuuming. I will try to get everyone to bed early so we can get up early and have a relaxed morning before our flight. I will think of you every minute, and check your blog for updates. I hope you can get internet access in Nepal so we can hear updates about your trip.

Until tomorrow's post, I miss and love you!