We spent the weekend camping in the mountains with our small group. It was a very relaxing time until Gabrielle was injured. A shovel sliced her hand, and we ended up driving 40 minutes to the closest hospital (the drive should take 55 minutes!). The doctor stitched her up, and for being such a brave patient we took her to Dairy Queen for ice cream. She has to keep it bandaged for 10 days and we will get the stitches removed next Tuesday. We can add this to the list of her broken collar bone, concussion, two eye surgeries, and head laceration. Emily on the other hand has hardly had a paper cut. Gabrielle sure keeps us on our toes, but we are so thankful that she is OK, and there wasn't any permanent damage to the nerves or tendons! Here is a picture of her the next morning showing off her bandaged hand. Our poor little Shi Shi!