Earlier in the week, Gabrielle had a preschool field trip to a local park. They played with a parachute, fed the ducks, played with puppets, painted, blew mega-bubbles and had a water fight! What great fun.....here is a picture of Gabrielle digging for dinsaur bones at the field trip with one of her friends.
Her preschool hosted an art show this week and encouraged each of the kids to create a piece of art to display. Gabrielle insisted on making a sculpture, and did a pretty good job of copying the fairy that was shown on on the box of clay! Emily did help her little sister with the legs and hair, though.
Finally, Emily attended a Sing-a-long with her Brownie troop. Dozens of troops from the area got together to sing silly camp songs. Emily's troop sang a song about Bazooka Bubblegum! She did really well singing in front of all those people, but Gabrielle wanted to sing too! Next year she will be old enough to join the troop with her big sister, and I will remember to bring a chair. Sitting in the grass for several hours gets uncomfortable!